The Top 150 – Sabi’s Annual Rewind

Posted: May 23, 2011 in Uncategorized

In no particular order…

150. Relied on a Chevy Cavalier with 198,000 miles on it to drive us through NC, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Oklahoma and Texas.

149. Attended Sushi Bootcamp in LA.

148. Lived on a couch.

147. Lived on a floor.

146. Lived in Trevor’s ‘Aunt Patti’s’ basement.

145. Found out a month later that ‘Aunt Patti’ technically isn’t Trevor’s aunt.

144. Met The Melmans – the most badass restaurateurs in the world and heads of Lettuce Entertain You.

143. Broke world record for highest sushi flight of all time.

142. Got a speeding ticket from a guy who was pretending to be a police officer.

141. Met Arnold Schwarzenegger.

140. Paneled our entire apartment with whiteboards.

139. Got schooled on how to create a restaurant empire by Aaron Kennedy – the founder of Noodles & Company.

138. Bought 3 air mattresses and moved into Apt #F101 in Boulder.

137. Created The Duel, which led us to brush our teeth with wasabi.

136. Got kicked out of our favorite club for doing the Payne Train.

135. Had an epic craps run.

134. Met the coolest group of CU girls in the world and soon the “fam” was created.

133. Entered lease negotiations with the 3rd largest retailer in the country.

132. Realized we were in over our heads.

131. Went undercover and found some valuable information…that helped us turn the tables in the negotiation.

130. Watched said company sh*t their pants when we told them about the info that we had.

129. Dan went on an African Safari.

128. Trev became a Jr. High girls basketball coach.

127. Shaan became the go-to Statistics Tutor for University of Colorado students.

126. Dan got a job at Noodles & Company.

125. Had a cute puppy live with us

124. Shaan lived in Jakarta for a month where he helped broker a $100 million dollar deal for his internship.

123. Started a creative consulting company that snagged Remax to be our first client.

122. Went undercover and infiltrated a competitor’s restaurant.

121. Attended Bar Mitzvahs in Philly and D.C.

120. Changed a flat tire.

119. Saw Ludacris, Ke$ha, John Mellencamp, and Sublime in concert at the same time.

118. Gave John Mellencamp a high-five.

117. Got addicted to Popchips.

116. Talked to the CEO of Popchips over the phone about our addiction (and our business)

115. Tried to bring down the house at the Wind River Casino in Wyoming.

114. Got a shout-out on the Jumbotron at an NBA Playoff Game (not the kiss cam…don’t get any ideas)

113. Returned to Duke for Homecoming.

112. Discovered Miracle Mondays.

111. Almost got into a fist-fight with the Duke Lacrosse team.

110. Lived with a high school ex-girlfriend for 3 months.

109. Built a fence.

108. Figured out what the hell happened in the movie Inception.

107. Received death threats from a group of cowboys at the “Whiskey River”.

106. Brewed our own beer.

105. Signed up for Tough Mudder.

104. Did P90X to train for Tough Mudder.

103. Competed in a table bussing competition – came in a close 2nd.

102. Had lunch with a tiny southern gentleman who turned out to be the COO of Biscuitville.

101. Dan took one for the team.

100. Wrote a 300 page business plan.

99. Used over 20 ink cartridges to print said business plan.

98. Drank Bai Ju and don’t remember the rest of the night.

97. Got, and got rid of a stalker.

96. Bought a Shakeweight.

95. Rode in a hot air balloon.

94. Snuck a friend into an invitation-only event at one of Vegas’ fanciest restaurants.

93. Gave the biggest pitch of my life over skype, in the kitchen.

92. Trevor became a candidate to be the next Captain Morgan spokesperson.

91. Saw Frank Caliendo do live stand-up.

90. Appeared in the Restaurant Finance Monitor.

89. Got a tattoo.

88. Won a Rock-Paper-Scissors Competition.

87. Sat in a Chipotle for 12 hours to count how many customers they get in a day.

86. Watched the world cup in a country that cares about soccer.

85. Met the founder of Reverbnation.

84. Received a tweet from the founder of FUBU.

83. Won a mechanical bull riding competition.

82. Climbed a mountain.

81. Went undercover as a mystery shopper at the same restaurant for over 25 meals in 3 months.

80. Attended a hot yoga class.

79. Dan experimented with bulimia after a dinner at Casa Bonita.

78. Shaan became a basketball coach at a special needs school.

77. Received hate mail.

76. Dan became a piano instructor.

75. Invented the Power-Hour Brainstorm and Spider Marketing.

74. Got cursed by a gypsy.

73. Met a girl who claimed to be a professional foot model, whose foot turned out to look exactly like Trevor’s.

72. Learned to salsa dance.

71. Got free Which Wich when someone thought Trev was Mike Posner.

70. Read 45 books.

69. Ate bone marrow, live sweet shrimp, monkfish liver, and sea urchin in the same night.

68. Befriended a drug dealer who was kind at heart.

67. Convinced two cougars that Shaan was in an arranged marriage, and listened to their wise relationship advice.

66. Were recognized on the street by a random stranger as “the first pump guys“.

65. Shaan got in contact with his slam poetry hero.

64. Turned down a happy ending at an Asian massage parlor.

63. Got stabbed by a poisonous coral while scuba diving.

62. Became a nanny/baseball coach.

61. Played 6 straight hours of Toad’s Turnpike on Mario Kart.

60. Got kidnapped for a CU date function.

59. Started a cartwheel competition in the middle of Pearl Street.

58. Did a Yoga move (downward dog) to win a dance contest.

57. Participated in The MassChallenge – a nationwide start-up competition UPDATE: We were just named finalists in the competition!! 

56. Went deep sea fishing in Maui.

55. Saw the CU v. Kansas basketball game.

54. Sold bottles at a crafts fair.

53. Got caught up in conspiracy theories about the Illuminati.

52. Waited from until 7a.m in the parking lot of the busiest man in Boulder’s office to make sure we’d get a meeting.

51. Started writing a book.

Check back tomorrow for the top 50!

  1. Lucas says:

    not a bad year so far fellas!! #96 is ranked too low though…hahah

  2. Gina says:

    ‎#51 is my favorite. I can’t wait!

  3. Sydney says:

    ‎88. Won a Rock-Paper-Scissors Competition…we need to put our game faces back on…

  4. Eric says:

    You guys are crazy…keep doin what you do!

  5. KarenK says:

    Is it weird I am extremely envious of your lives?!?! That sounds like the coolest year of all time…

  6. sabisushi says:

    i think you are more envious of Shaan and I’s dance floor yoga skills!

  7. KarenK says:

    if I remember correctly, this was a competition between teams…where shaan was on my team and minnette was on yours.

  8. sabisushi says:

    the yoga was a battle between team leaders…we had to put the team on our back!

  9. Steve A says:

    #74 Please explain!

  10. sabisushi says:

    @Steve- We were stopped at a red light. The famous Boulder gypsy was crossing the street. All of the sudden he turned and stared directly into my eyes and spit onto my windshield…I’ve never been so afraid or confused in my life!

    For the next month we experienced a string of bad luck and misfortune.

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